1. Shepard, B.L. La Salud Sexual y Reproductiva: una Carrera de Obstáculos. Santiago, Chile: FLACSO & Editorial Catalonia, 2009.
2. Shepard, B.L. "Advocacy Strategies for Young People's Sexual and Reproductive Health," in L. Reichenbach and M.J. Roseman (eds.) Reproductive Health and Human Rights: The Way Forward. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.
3. Shepard, B. L. Running the Obstacle Course to Sexual and Reproductive Health: Lessons from Latin America. Westport, CT: Praeger, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006.
4. Shepard, B. L., J. DeJong. Breaking the Silence: Young People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Arab Countries and Iran. Boston: François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, 2005.
5. Shepard, B. L. “The “Double Discourse” on Sexual and Reproductive Rights: the Chasm between Public Policy and Private Actions,” in Gruskin, S., M. Grodin, G. Annas, S. Marks, Eds. Perspectives on Health and Human Rights. New York: Routledge, 2005.
6. Shepard, B.L. “Pecado y Derechos Humanos: La Falta de Ciudadanía Sexual de la Juventud” in Ciudadanía Sexual en América Latina: Abriendo el Debate. Eds. C. Cáceres, T. Frasca, M. Pecheny, V. Terto. Lima, Perú: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, 2004.
7. Shepard, B.L. "When I Talk About Sexuality, I Use Myself as an Example': Sexuality Counseling and Family Planning in Colombia", and "Let's Be Citizens, not Patients: Women's Groups in Peru Assert their Right to High-Quality Reproductive Health Care." In Responding to Cairo: Case studies of changing practice in reproductive health and family planning, eds. N. Haberland & D. Measham. New York: The Population Council, 2002.
8. Helzner, J., Shepard, B.L. “The Feminist Agenda in Population PVOs”, in Women, International Development and Politics: The Bureaucratic Mire. Kathleen Staudt, ed. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997 & 1990.9
9. Acton, J., Shepard, B.L., Goldsmith, P., editors. Women at Work: 1850 - 1930. Toronto: Women’s Press, 1974. The book received the Toronto City Book Award for 1974.
1. Shepard, B.L. La Salud Sexual y Reproductiva: una Carrera de Obstáculos. Santiago, Chile: FLACSO & Editorial Catalonia, 2009.
2. Shepard, B.L. "Advocacy Strategies for Young People's Sexual and Reproductive Health," in L. Reichenbach and M.J. Roseman (eds.) Reproductive Health and Human Rights: The Way Forward. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.
3. Shepard, B. L. Running the Obstacle Course to Sexual and Reproductive Health: Lessons from Latin America. Westport, CT: Praeger, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006.
4. Shepard, B. L., J. DeJong. Breaking the Silence: Young People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Arab Countries and Iran. Boston: François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, 2005.
5. Shepard, B. L. “The “Double Discourse” on Sexual and Reproductive Rights: the Chasm between Public Policy and Private Actions,” in Gruskin, S., M. Grodin, G. Annas, S. Marks, Eds. Perspectives on Health and Human Rights. New York: Routledge, 2005.
6. Shepard, B.L. “Pecado y Derechos Humanos: La Falta de Ciudadanía Sexual de la Juventud” in Ciudadanía Sexual en América Latina: Abriendo el Debate. Eds. C. Cáceres, T. Frasca, M. Pecheny, V. Terto. Lima, Perú: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, 2004.
7. Shepard, B.L. "When I Talk About Sexuality, I Use Myself as an Example': Sexuality Counseling and Family Planning in Colombia", and "Let's Be Citizens, not Patients: Women's Groups in Peru Assert their Right to High-Quality Reproductive Health Care." In Responding to Cairo: Case studies of changing practice in reproductive health and family planning, eds. N. Haberland & D. Measham. New York: The Population Council, 2002.
8. Helzner, J., Shepard, B.L. “The Feminist Agenda in Population PVOs”, in Women, International Development and Politics: The Bureaucratic Mire. Kathleen Staudt, ed. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997 & 1990.9
9. Acton, J., Shepard, B.L., Goldsmith, P., editors. Women at Work: 1850 - 1930. Toronto: Women’s Press, 1974. The book received the Toronto City Book Award for 1974.
- Shepard, B.L., L. Casas Becerra. “Abortion Policies and Practices in Chile: Ambiguities and Dilemmas.” Reproductive Health Matters, Vol. 15, No. 30, November 2007. Published in the Portuguese version of the same journal: "Políticas e práticas de aborto no Chile: ambigüidades e dilemas," in Questões de Saúde Reprodutiva: Mortalidade e Morbidade Materna) Vol 3, # 3, 79-88, August 2008.
- DeJong, J., R. Jawad, I. Mortagy, B.L. Shepard. “Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People in the Arab Countries and Iran.” Reproductive Health Matters, Vol. 13, No. 25, May 2005.
- Shepard, B.L. “Addressing Gender Issues with Men and Couples: Involving Men in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in APROFE, Ecuador,” in International Journal of Men’s Health, Vol. 3, #3, 155-172, 2005.
- Shepard, B.L. “NGO Advocacy Networks in Latin America: Lessons from Experience in Promoting Women's and Reproductive Rights in Latin America.” North-South Agenda Paper #61 of The Dante B. Fascell North-South Center at the University of Miami, 2003.
- Shepard, B.L. Beijing at 15: UNFPA and Partners Charting the Way Forward. New York: UNFPA, 2010.
- DeJong, J., B.L. Shepard, F. Roudi-Fahimi, L.Ashford, “Young People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Middle East and North Africa” in MENA Policy Briefs Series. Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau, 2007.
- DeJong, J., B.L. Shepard. “Youth, Gender and the Family in the Arab World,” in Arab Youth Strategising for the MDGs. New York: United Nation Development Programme, 2006.
- Shepard, B.L. Literature Review of Situation of Adolescents in Eight Countries In Latin America and the Caribbean: Trends and Recommendations. Panama City: UNICEF, 2005.
- Shepard, B.L. “Youth Programmes in the SADC Countries: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.” Technical Background Paper Written for the 1st Youth Conference of the Southern Africa Development Community Region, June 13-16, 2000, Maputo, Mozambique. 2000.
- Shepard, B.L. “Masculinity and the Male Role in Sexual Health,” in Planned Parenthood Challenges: Men’s needs and responsibilities. London: International Planned Parenthood Federation-IPPF, 1996/2.
- Crandon, L., B.L. Shepard. Women, Enterprise, and Development: The Pathfinder Fund’s Women in Development Projects, Evaluation, and Documentation (WID/PED) Program. Boston: The Pathfinder Fund, 1984.